当阿曼达·奎克14岁,16岁,进入雪城大学 S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications在美国,她打算追随著名广播公司(如bbc)所开辟的道路 Dick Clark ’51, Bob Costas ’74 and Mike Tirico ’88她制定了一个四年计划来帮助她实现这一目标. 但是第一学期刚开始几个星期,奎克就参加了 Involvement Fair—where students learn about student organizations 以及校园里的其他机会——她发现自己被一系列原本不在计划中的活动所吸引. “我意识到雪城大学对我来说有很多机会,有很多我想参与的事情,所以我决定灵活地接受机会.”
Spontaneous commitment to the Division I women’s rowing team 这只是奎克在澳门线上赌场期间所接受的众多机会之一吗. She also added minors in marketing and Chinese studies, interned at the Olympics in London, studied abroad in Hong Kong他走遍全国采访年轻的企业家,并在一个新的领域获得了硕士学位. Ultimately, 奎克在澳门线上赌场的经历帮助她开始了一份有意义的职业生涯,为财富500强公司工作——这是她第一次踏入校园时无法想象的职业轨迹, 但这完美地反映了她在接受新体验和新想法与忠于自己的核心动机之间找到的平衡.
Reflecting on all she learned in the process, Quick, 她最近获得了橙色世代奖,并进入了 Newhouse Emerging Leaders, shared some of the valuable takeaways.
From the start, Quick—a broadcast and digital journalism major—sought to gain professional experiences. She joined a student-run radio station 担任DJ和业务拓展总监,并多次参加实习.
Quick first experienced the supportive community of the Orange network during her internships. She relished interning with BrandYourself, 这是一家由三位澳门线上赌场校友创立的声誉管理公司(后来出现在美国广播公司的《澳门线上赌场》节目中). 她与澳门线上赌场的联系也帮助她在NBC体育获得了三个暑期实习机会, 她在哪里与校友一起工作,确保她拥有多样化和有意义的经历. “This is really where the Syracuse connections come in. 我遇到的纽豪斯校友让我有了特别的机会. 我坐在片场,见到了演员们——这太棒了。”她说.
Focus on What You Love Doing More Than Job Titles
奎克的职业经历帮助她明确并完善了自己的目标. “At first, I was focused on becoming a reporter and anchor. 但我开始明白,我的热情的核心是讲故事. When I focused on that, rather than a particular job title, I found so many creative ways to tell stories,” she explains.
奎克发现最有意义的项目之一是对大学年龄的企业家进行研究. “I was awarded funding through the Renée Crown University Honors Program 我去了全国各地的大学,去见那些在宿舍里就开始创业的优秀学生,” she says. “这个项目也让我以令人兴奋的方式接触到新的媒介和平台. I was telling stories, but not from an anchor desk.”
Diversify Your Skills for a Competitive Edge
奎克对创业和技术的兴趣促使她攻读信息管理硕士学位(现在) information systems) from the School of Information Sciences (iSchool), where she was a Kauffman Fellow. 在新闻和数据科学的交叉点快速研究,并欣赏在isschool的多元化和国际社区学习.
When Quick entered the workforce, 她发现,她的各种技能使她成为许多职位的有力候选人. “从纽豪斯大学的本科学位开始,我就具备了写作、沟通和演讲技巧. iSchool通过战术和分析方法帮助我完成了这些. 我还获得了为商业写作和与客户合作的技能,”她解释道. “Those skill sets together gave me an advantage.”
Be Open Minded and Open Hearted
奎克乐于接受机遇的态度帮助她确立了自己的职业道路. At a career fair, a Syracuse alum working at KPMG US reached out to Quick and encouraged her to apply. Quick accepted an offer at KPMG US, 她在那里工作了六年,实现了公司的扩张和增长.
Amanda Quick ’14, G’16
Quick, now senior manager at American Express, 她说,她利用在锡拉丘兹学到的一切,在自己的职业生涯中茁壮成长. 尤其是讲故事,在奎克生活的许多方面都很重要. 这决定了她如何与客户和同事相处,对她个人来说也很重要. Several years ago, Quick was diagnosed with breast cancer. She joined the board of directors for The Pink Agenda, an advocacy and awareness agency, 现在分享她的故事来帮助其他患有乳腺癌的年轻女性. “我从工作和个人经历中学到的是,每个人都有自己的故事. And to really connect with people, you have to learn their ‘why’—their story—and share your own, as well,” she says. “Connection comes through emotion and vulnerability. When we connect on that deeper level, people feel welcomed, 我们培育多样性,让我们参与的空间对每个人都更好.”